DAML+OIL semantics

I have some questions about the semantics of DAML+OIL, and I'm wondering
if this list is the appropriate place to post them.

In a nutshell, the questions are:

1. how to understand what it is that each kind of semantics 
(axiomatic and model-theoretic) gives us, and why a developer would
choose to use one kind of semantics rather than the other?

2. how does each kind of semantics handle notions such as satisfaction, 
truth, validity (of sentences and of inferences), logical consequence, and 
logical equivalence?

3. is an inference based on the axiomatic semantics valid if and only if
the inference is valid using the model-theoretic semantics, and how can
this be shown?

4. how does each kind of semantics handle the jump from symbols to the 
state of affairs in the real world (or in the world of URIs) that the 
symbols purport to describe?

I can elaborate on these questions if this email-list is the right
place for such a discussion.

If it is, please let me know and chime in.

If it's not, please direct me to the appropriate place(s) or people.

Thank you,


Received on Sunday, 11 August 2002 13:06:13 UTC