RE: DAML Level of Effort for FY03-FY05

Hi Dan,

I do agree the meaning of the import property is not 'yet' clear.
I think the *perspective* concept that Jeff Heflin introduced in his thesis
is a good representation of views over the semantic web.

In fact, i can't see any reason to use something else than the namespace
just to refer to a term. (and that's what i do in my software)
For me, *importation* would be more a kind of aknowledging of the model
theory (meaning)
implied by how this term is defined.

What i suggest anyway is that we need a super-property for all properties
that define links
between documents. Maybe you'll find that rdfs:seeAlso or rdfs:isDefinedBy
is sufficient but i need
to refine their semantic.


> All the while 'imports' isn't in the core of RDF, people can 
> reasonably
> claim they didn't know what it means, that it is just some utility
> vocabulary. If we put it in the main specs, we'd need to be a 
> lot clearer
> on what conclusions 'imports' allows us to draw about a 
> document and its
> author/publisher.

Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2002 09:11:32 UTC