Re: Some DAML clarification

   Maybe someone can help me out here.
   Can instances in DAML be of the type as below:

   <rule:Rule rdf:ID="first">
	       <rule:Var rdf:ID="var1" rule:name="nvar1" />
	       <rule:Var rdf:ID="var2" rule:name="nvar2"/>
	       <rule:Var rdf:ID="var3" rule:name="nvar3" />
	       <rule:Var rdf:ID="var4" rule:name="nvar4"/>

   Where rule is the basic Ontology that describes a rule being an If statement with premises and conclusion, which are defined as
   Classes with a property relator and Var ( this is a class with property name).

This is the right idea, but the trick is getting the variables
right.  For one proposal, see our SWC 2002 paper, found at

                                             -- Drew McDermott

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2002 13:51:24 UTC