Re: SW, meaning and reference

[pat hayes]

> Explaining how we get to the same referent would be good in an ideal
> world, though one might have to make do with something weaker. The
> basic point however is that people using ordinary language do seem
> to be able to uniquely identify the things they are talking about
> well enough to communicate useful facts about them, and one would
> expect a good theory of reference to explain how they manage to do it.
Yes they do, and how they do it is amazingly complex.  I highly recommend
Paul Bloom's book "How Children Learn the Meanings of Words" for an
eye-opening look at some of the intricacies of this apparently simple
ability we all have.  Among other things, it appears that people have more
than one "theory of reference", and perhaps several different notions of
what a persistent "object" is.


Tom P

Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2001 20:29:03 UTC