a question about RDF reification


I've been thinking some more about RDF reification and came up with the
following questions for those of you who support RDF reification:

Suppose you have an XML/RDF document that uses reified statements and
doesn't use rdf:ID for resources or rdf:bagID.  (This qualification is to
get around the fact that rdf:ID for resources and rdf:bagID implicitly
involve rdf:Statement.  It could be relaxed by essentially modifying the
expansion of these constructs.)

If you change rdf:Statement to RDF:STATEMENT in the document has anything
really changed as far as RDF is concerned?  If you think that something
important has changed, what is it?  If you think that nothing has really
changed, then what role was reification playing in the document?

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research
Lucent Technologies

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 15:43:32 UTC