Re: DAML+OIL editors

>I've used all three, but I have to declare some bias in that I used to work
>at University of Manchester and I'm working on a rebuild of Ian Horrocks'
> work :-).  With that warning, here goes.
I have some bias to OntoEdit (primary) and Protege.
>I've not looked at Ontoedit for some time; the last was the update to 1.0
>th>ey put out some months ago.  It's the only editor to allow multilingual
>concept names.  Last I looked, it was relatively small, simple and very
>designed for frame editing, with the same expressive shortcomings as
>Protege.  I know the team at Karlsruhe has released a new version that
>allows plug-ins; evaluating it is one of the many things on my To Do list.
I tried to use OntoEdit
The last version I used was 2.0
The first it could very hardly load dAML ontology not generated by itself.
Finally, I managed   to load, but is costed much time. I do now remeber what
exactly was the reason, but the ontology was correct DAML + OIL ontology
It has excellent suport for documentetation (multiple string can be for one
enity on different languages) and multilanguage definitions
It has support for disjoints. Protege does not, OntoEdit does
For relations (properties) there are only definition of domain and range
allowed, cardinality and ID, length.
Declaration of transitive, inverse, symmetric properties supported
"Not" statements are not supported.
It is impossible to build filter for slots, what rather important for me.
Not integration with reasoning engine

Best regards
MSc Andrei S. Lopatenko
Vienna University of Technology
Extension Centre

- Peter
Peter Crowther, VP Development, Network Inference Limited

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 07:20:21 UTC