Property's of Properties Question

A simple question, with hopefully a simple answer. Is it possible to place a
restriction on the property of a property in DAML? 
What I would like to say, for example is:
<daml:ObjectProperty rdf:ID='Foo'>
            <daml:onProperty rdf:resource='#Bar'/>
            <daml:toProperty rdf:resource='#Baz'/>
</daml:ObjectProperty rdf:ID='Foo'>
Except for the fact that daml:Restriction is a daml:Class and
daml:toProperty doesn't exist, this would be fine. 
Thanks - Lewis
Lewis L Hart 
GRC International  
1900 Gallows Rd.       Voice (703)506-5938 
Vienna, Va 22182         Fax (703)556-4261 

Received on Monday, 22 October 2001 16:08:03 UTC