Re: How do RDF and Formal Logic fit together?

[RA Poell]

> [Thomas B. Passin]
> >
> > To hook this into the threads on literals, how is your DatExpert
supposed to
> > know that a given string is to be analyzed as a date, if we cannot make
> > statement about the type of the literal?  The only other ways would seem
> > be textual (or contextual) analysis which are pretty hard, or human
> > intervention which is fine but not so Semantic Webish.
> >
> The name of a slot or property ("Birth date") should give you an
> indication that a date is involved (semantics for human use and machine
> exploitation if we tell them to use this in particular cases).
> The type of property value ("date") tells you it should be looked upon
> as a date (semantics for machine exploitation).
> But the format, at least in my broader perception of dates, will always
> be a string in its physical representation.
> The way the string should be interpreted (logical format?) making it
> machine understandable in terms of a date can be added if known (Format:
> string = referring to a node | yyyy-mm-dd | DatExpert:absoluteValue |
> .).

So basically, your approach would supply tyoe information either by adorning
the literal value or by using special properties, is that right?  To me,
this amounts to adding a datatyping system to RDF, one of a number of
candidates.  Restricting the "slot" - or property, I suppose - to require
certain data types like dates means applying constraints to a template, but
RDF does not have native templates.

I don't mean to suggest your approach does not have merit, but I take it
that the bigger questions of whether RDF should have a datatyping system at
all, and whether literal should be able to be targets of statements (or
alternatively be allowed at all) seem to more the subject of these threads.


Tom P

Received on Sunday, 7 October 2001 11:16:16 UTC