Re: Let's get the Literals out of the RDF Graph

> I've put together a rough ontology for this, living at its
> namespace: "".

I get an error for that address; but the following works:-

Also, in that file, could you please change rdf:ID to rdf:about? When you
access the file at the above URI, the term names are of the order of
05-string.rdf#Blargh, which is a bit ambiguous, and doesn't work when saved
as a local file.

As for the ontology itself, I get what the classes are, but you don't
detail at all how they should be used. More documentation, please?

I think that the following bit is wrong:-

   <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="U0041">

And that you probably mean:-

   <string:UnicodeCharacter rdf:about="[...]#U0041">

I guess you're taking about something like storing the following in the
internal database representation of an RDF instance:-

   (string:U0041 string:U0042 string:U0043) a string:String .

in place of the following bit of syntax:-


Is that about the gist of it? I'm not sure that I see the point; further
comment would be most appreciated.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 12:26:58 UTC