Logic and proof tutorial resources

I'd like to find good concise tutorial material for
logic & proof disciplines. I've found WikiPedia[1] at Ohio State to
be a good resource. It doesn't assume the reader is a logician.
However it lacks information on the mechanics of proofs. 

I expect for semantic web vision to be realized, proof mechanics must be
accessible to the average developer/web professional. HTML and the browser
made the Internet more accessible when commandline processors to things like
gopher, ftp and smtp were the norm.

Does the list recommend resources in addition to[1]?

[1] http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Larrys_Text

Ned M. Smith
Intel Architecture Labs          Phone: 503.264.2692
2111 N.E. 25th Ave               Fax: 503.264.6225
Hillsoboro OR. 97124            mailto:ned.smith@intel.com

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2001 15:12:54 UTC