Re: Nunciation

Robert Meersman wrote:
> At 28-01-01 16:32, Jon Awbrey wrote:
> > [...] to wit, the polyphemic protean topic
> > that I will try, this time out, to express
> > in terms of the following queries:
> >
> > | Why is it necessary to reflect on signs?
> > | Why not just talk about the objects alone?
> > | Why not just use signs without mentioning them?
> [...]
> Conferatur:  Ronald Stamper: "Information",
> Chapters 4, 5 and 6, Batsford 1973
> Good luck
> --Robert
> =============================================================
> Prof Dr Robert A Meersman                         VUB STARLab
> Department of Computer Science     Vrije Universiteit Brussel
> Bldg. G-10, Pleinlaan 2               B-1050 Brussels Belgium
> phn (+32|0) 2 629 3308                 fax (+32|0) 2 629 3525
> =============================================================



Thanks for the info, but, until I have a chance
to get to the library, would you have a moment
to give us the gist of it, or maybe links to
on-line extracts?

Thanks In Prospect,

Jon Awbrey


Received on Sunday, 28 January 2001 21:19:18 UTC