Re: Signation


Oops!  A couple of corrections:
| "I am leaving, I am leaving",          <<<---<<<
| but the fighter still remains.
| Hhh hhh hmm.
| Lie la lie.


|  "Matthew"  is a sign that denotes Matthew   (in the real world).
|  "x"        is a sign that denotes x         (in the real world).
|  "<x, y>"   is a sign that denotes <x, y>    (in the real world).
|  "R"        is a sign that denotes {<x, y> : <x, y> in R} (ITRW).
| '"Matthew"' is a sign that denotes "Matthew" (in the real world).
| '"x"'       is a sign that denotes "x"       (in the real world).
| '"<x, y>"'  is a sign that denotes "<x, y>"  (in the real world).
| '"R"'       is a sign that denotes "R"       (in the real world).   <<<---<<<


Mea minima culpa,

Jon Awbrey


Received on Saturday, 27 January 2001 12:22:47 UTC