Re: Reification quoting in RDF/N3 was: A note comparing Conceptual Graphs and RDF/Semantic Web

----- Original Message -----
From: "McBride, Brian" <>
To: "Tim Berners-Lee" <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 6:55 AM
Subject: RE: Reification quoting in RDF/N3 was: A note comparing Conceptual
Graphs and RDF/Semantic Web

> [snip]
> > However, in the RDF syntax there is a known problem there.
> > You can't quote
> > something without asserting it.
> I'm not sure I understand the problem.  Simplifying your
> example for clarity:
>   <rdf:RDF>
>     <rdf:Statement>
>       <rdf:subject    rdf:about="mary"/>
>       <rdf:predicate  rdf:about="wants to marry"/>
>       <rdf:object     rdf:about="Fred"/>
>       <foo:believedBy rdf:about="John"/>
>     </rdf:Statement>
>   </rdf:RDF>
> as I understand things, the above quotes
> (wants to marry, mary, Fred) without asserting it, if
> I understand correctly what you mean by 'quotes'.
> Please could you give a concrete example of the bug you
> had in mind?

Oh, I agree that it is fine if you express the reified form.
What you can't do is:

   <rdf:description bagID="a" about="#Mary">
      <foo;wantstomarry resource="#Fred"/>
  <rdf:description about="#John">
      <bar:believes resource="#a"/>

without asserting #a.   The unreified form is of course much more paletable.
A simple extension to fix this would be:

   <rdf:quote ID="a">
      <rdf:description about="#Mary">
         <foo;wantstomarry resource="#Fred"/>
  <rdf:description about="#John">
      <bar:believes resource="#a"/>


> Brian McBride
> HPLabs

Received on Tuesday, 23 January 2001 17:39:38 UTC