Differential Analytic Turing Automata (DATA)


The Shroud Of Turing


This swatch is really just a work in progress,
and I invite you to share in shaping it with me,
as I really do not know what the upshot or even
what the medium will be, or what will be needed
to rend of it an eventual and a genuine reality.

In lieu of a proper beginning, then, let me just gather
together my partial arrays and my random samples of data,
if you wish, with me, to call it that, that I have spent
my off-times collecting for lo! so many even-odder years.

I must apologize in advance for the many bits of redundancy --
though redundancy is the essence of information, is it not? --
that I am about to inflict on you in one moment, two, three --
but it will further the aim of future reference to have all
of this skein in a close-knit neighborhood of our surrogate
backcloth for the excessive surplices of originfinite sites.


So let me make my further ado with this deferential but deturing excuse,
that I merely want to demonstrate that my RefLog rendering of a stilted,
stunted turing machine can compute a bit more than the parity of single,
trivial, unprecedented, null-valued evanishment of the lone number zero.

So here, for ease of reference in future,
is a preamble to the formal constitution
of a particular variety of logical style
for transposing a TM into a proposition:


By way of providing a simple illustration of Cook's Theorem,
that "Propositional Satisfiability is NP-Complete", here is
an exposition of one way to translate Turing Machine set-ups
into propositional expressions, employing the RefLog Syntax
for Prop Calc that I described in a couple of earlier notes:


Stilt<k> = Space and Time Limited Turing Machine,
           with k units of space and k units of time.

Stunt<k> = Space and Time Limited Turing Machine,
           for computing the parity of a bit string,
           with Number of Tape cells of input equal to k.

I will follow the pattern of the discussion in the book of
Herbert Wilf, 'Algorithms & Complexity' (1986), pages 188-201,
but translate into RefLog, which is more efficient with respect
to the number of propositional clauses that are required.

Parity Machine:

| State | Symbol | Next Symbol | Ratchet | Next State |
|   Q   |   S    |     S'      |   dR    |     Q'     |
|   0   |   0    |     0       |   +1    |     0      |
|   0   |   1    |     1       |   +1    |     1      |
|   0   |   #    |     #       |   -1    |     #      |
|   1   |   0    |     0       |   +1    |     1      |
|   1   |   1    |     1       |   +1    |     0      |
|   1   |   #    |     #       |   -1    |     *      |

            /\ /        \ /\
   0/0/+1  ^  0          1  ^  0/0/+1
            \/|\        /|\/
              | <------- |
      #/#/-1  |  1/1/+1  |  #/#/-1
              |          |
              v          v
              #          *

The TM has a "finite automaton" (FA) as its component.
Let us refer to this particular FA by the name of "M".

The "tape-head" (that is, the "read-unit") will be called "H".
The "registers" are also called "tape-cells" or "tape-squares".

In order to consider how the finitely "stilted" rendition of this TM
can be translated into the form of a purely propositional description,
one now fixes k and limits the discussion to talking about a Stilt<k>,
which is really not a true TM anymore but a finite automaton in disguise.

In this example, for the sake of a minimal illustration, we choose k = 2,
and discuss Stunt<2>.  Since the zeroth tape cell and the last tape cell
are occupied with bof and eof marks "#", this amounts to only one digit
of significant computation.

To translate Stunt<2> into propositional form we use
the following collection of propositional variables:

For the "Present State Function" QF : P -> Q,

{ p0_q#, p0_q*, p0_q0, p0_q1,
| p1_q#, p1_q*, p1_q0, p1_q1,
| p2_q#, p2_q*, p2_q0, p2_q1,
| p3_q#, p3_q*, p3_q0, p3_q1

The propositional expression of the form "pi_qj" says:

| At the point-in-time p<i>,
| the finite machine M is in the state q<j>.

For the "Present Register Function" RF : P -> R,

{ p0_r0, p0_r1, p0_r2, p0_r3,
| p1_r0, p1_r1, p1_r2, p1_r3,
| p2_r0, p2_r1, p2_r2, p2_r3,
| p3_r0, p3_r1, p3_r2, p3_r3

The propositional expression of the form "pi_rj" says:

| At the point-in-time p<i>,
| the tape-head H is on the tape-cell r<j>.

For the "Present Symbol Function" SF : P -> (R -> S),

{ p0_r0_s#, p0_r0_s*, p0_r0_s0, p0_r0_s1,
| p0_r1_s#, p0_r1_s*, p0_r1_s0, p0_r1_s1,
| p0_r2_s#, p0_r2_s*, p0_r2_s0, p0_r2_s1,
| p0_r3_s#, p0_r3_s*, p0_r3_s0, p0_r3_s1,
| p1_r0_s#, p1_r0_s*, p1_r0_s0, p1_r0_s1,
| p1_r1_s#, p1_r1_s*, p1_r1_s0, p1_r1_s1,
| p1_r2_s#, p1_r2_s*, p1_r2_s0, p1_r2_s1,
| p1_r3_s#, p1_r3_s*, p1_r3_s0, p1_r3_s1,
| p2_r0_s#, p2_r0_s*, p2_r0_s0, p2_r0_s1,
| p2_r1_s#, p2_r1_s*, p2_r1_s0, p2_r1_s1,
| p2_r2_s#, p2_r2_s*, p2_r2_s0, p2_r2_s1,
| p2_r3_s#, p2_r3_s*, p2_r3_s0, p2_r3_s1,
| p3_r0_s#, p3_r0_s*, p3_r0_s0, p3_r0_s1,
| p3_r1_s#, p3_r1_s*, p3_r1_s0, p3_r1_s1,
| p3_r2_s#, p3_r2_s*, p3_r2_s0, p3_r2_s1,
| p3_r3_s#, p3_r3_s*, p3_r3_s0, p3_r3_s1

The propositional expression of the form "pi_rj_sk" says:

| At the point-in-time p<i>,
| the tape-cell r<j> bears the mark s<k>.


So with all due further ado,
here are the Initial Conditions
for the two possible inputs to the
RefLog redaction of this Parity TM:


Initial Conditions:




The Initial Conditions are given by a logical conjunction
that is composed of 5 basic expressions, altogether stating:

| At the point-in-time p<0>, M is in the state q<0>, and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, H is on the cell  r<1>, and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<0> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<1> bears the mark "0", and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<2> bears the mark "#".



Initial Conditions:




The Initial Conditions are given by a logical conjunction
that is composed of 5 basic expressions, altogether stating:

| At the point-in-time p<0>, M is in the state q<0>, and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, H is on the cell  r<1>, and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<0> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<1> bears the mark "1", and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<2> bears the mark "#".


And here, yet again, just to store it nearby,
is the logical rendition of the TM's program:


Mediate Conditions:

( p0_q#  ( p1_q# ))
( p0_q*  ( p1_q* ))

( p1_q#  ( p2_q# ))
( p1_q*  ( p2_q* ))

Terminal Conditions:

(( p2_q# )( p2_q* ))

State Partition:

(( p0_q0 ),( p0_q1 ),( p0_q# ),( p0_q* ))
(( p1_q0 ),( p1_q1 ),( p1_q# ),( p1_q* ))
(( p2_q0 ),( p2_q1 ),( p2_q# ),( p2_q* ))

Register Partition:

(( p0_r0 ),( p0_r1 ),( p0_r2 ))
(( p1_r0 ),( p1_r1 ),( p1_r2 ))
(( p2_r0 ),( p2_r1 ),( p2_r2 ))

Symbol Partition:

(( p0_r0_s0 ),( p0_r0_s1 ),( p0_r0_s# ))
(( p0_r1_s0 ),( p0_r1_s1 ),( p0_r1_s# ))
(( p0_r2_s0 ),( p0_r2_s1 ),( p0_r2_s# ))

(( p1_r0_s0 ),( p1_r0_s1 ),( p1_r0_s# ))
(( p1_r1_s0 ),( p1_r1_s1 ),( p1_r1_s# ))
(( p1_r2_s0 ),( p1_r2_s1 ),( p1_r2_s# ))

(( p2_r0_s0 ),( p2_r0_s1 ),( p2_r0_s# ))
(( p2_r1_s0 ),( p2_r1_s1 ),( p2_r1_s# ))
(( p2_r2_s0 ),( p2_r2_s1 ),( p2_r2_s# ))

Interaction Conditions:

(( p0_r0 ) p0_r0_s0 ( p1_r0_s0 ))
(( p0_r0 ) p0_r0_s1 ( p1_r0_s1 ))
(( p0_r0 ) p0_r0_s# ( p1_r0_s# ))

(( p0_r1 ) p0_r1_s0 ( p1_r1_s0 ))
(( p0_r1 ) p0_r1_s1 ( p1_r1_s1 ))
(( p0_r1 ) p0_r1_s# ( p1_r1_s# ))

(( p0_r2 ) p0_r2_s0 ( p1_r2_s0 ))
(( p0_r2 ) p0_r2_s1 ( p1_r2_s1 ))
(( p0_r2 ) p0_r2_s# ( p1_r2_s# ))

(( p1_r0 ) p1_r0_s0 ( p2_r0_s0 ))
(( p1_r0 ) p1_r0_s1 ( p2_r0_s1 ))
(( p1_r0 ) p1_r0_s# ( p2_r0_s# ))

(( p1_r1 ) p1_r1_s0 ( p2_r1_s0 ))
(( p1_r1 ) p1_r1_s1 ( p2_r1_s1 ))
(( p1_r1 ) p1_r1_s# ( p2_r1_s# ))

(( p1_r2 ) p1_r2_s0 ( p2_r2_s0 ))
(( p1_r2 ) p1_r2_s1 ( p2_r2_s1 ))
(( p1_r2 ) p1_r2_s# ( p2_r2_s# ))

Transition Relations:

( p0_q0  p0_r1  p0_r1_s0  ( p1_q0  p1_r2  p1_r1_s0 ))
( p0_q0  p0_r1  p0_r1_s1  ( p1_q1  p1_r2  p1_r1_s1 ))
( p0_q0  p0_r1  p0_r1_s#  ( p1_q#  p1_r0  p1_r1_s# ))
( p0_q0  p0_r2  p0_r2_s#  ( p1_q#  p1_r1  p1_r2_s# ))

( p0_q1  p0_r1  p0_r1_s0  ( p1_q1  p1_r2  p1_r1_s0 ))
( p0_q1  p0_r1  p0_r1_s1  ( p1_q0  p1_r2  p1_r1_s1 ))
( p0_q1  p0_r1  p0_r1_s#  ( p1_q*  p1_r0  p1_r1_s# ))
( p0_q1  p0_r2  p0_r2_s#  ( p1_q*  p1_r1  p1_r2_s# ))

( p1_q0  p1_r1  p1_r1_s0  ( p2_q0  p2_r2  p2_r1_s0 ))
( p1_q0  p1_r1  p1_r1_s1  ( p2_q1  p2_r2  p2_r1_s1 ))
( p1_q0  p1_r1  p1_r1_s#  ( p2_q#  p2_r0  p2_r1_s# ))
( p1_q0  p1_r2  p1_r2_s#  ( p2_q#  p2_r1  p2_r2_s# ))

( p1_q1  p1_r1  p1_r1_s0  ( p2_q1  p2_r2  p2_r1_s0 ))
( p1_q1  p1_r1  p1_r1_s1  ( p2_q0  p2_r2  p2_r1_s1 ))
( p1_q1  p1_r1  p1_r1_s#  ( p2_q*  p2_r0  p2_r1_s# ))
( p1_q1  p1_r2  p1_r2_s#  ( p2_q*  p2_r1  p2_r2_s# ))



Interpretation of the Propositional Program:

Mediate Conditions:

( p0_q#  ( p1_q# ))
( p0_q*  ( p1_q* ))

( p1_q#  ( p2_q# ))
( p1_q*  ( p2_q* ))

In RefLog, an expression of the form "( X ( Y ))"
expresses an implication or an if-then proposition:
"Not X without Y",  "If X then Y",  "X => Y",  etc.

A text string expression of the form "( X ( Y ))"
parses to a graphical data-structure of the form:

    X   Y

All together, these Mediate Conditions state:

| If at p<0> M is in state q<#>, then at p<1> M is in state q<#>, and
| If at p<0> M is in state q<*>, then at p<1> M is in state q<*>, and
| If at p<1> M is in state q<#>, then at p<2> M is in state q<#>, and
| If at p<1> M is in state q<*>, then at p<2> M is in state q<*>.

Terminal Conditions:

(( p2_q# )( p2_q* ))

In RefLog, an expression of the form "(( X )( Y ))"
expresses a disjunction "X or Y", and it parses to:

    X   Y
    o   o
     \ /

In effect, the Terminal Conditions state:

| At p<2> M is in state q<#>, or
| At p<2> M is in state q<*>.

State Partition:

(( p0_q0 ),( p0_q1 ),( p0_q# ),( p0_q* ))
(( p1_q0 ),( p1_q1 ),( p1_q# ),( p1_q* ))
(( p2_q0 ),( p2_q1 ),( p2_q# ),( p2_q* ))

In RefLog, an expression of the form "(( X<1> ),( X<2> ),( ... ),( X<k> ))"
states it as a fact that "exactly one of the X<j> are true, for j = 1 to k".
Expressions of this form are called "universal partition" expressions, and
they parse into a type of graph called a "painted and rooted cactus" (PARC):

    X<1>  X<2>  ...   X<k>
     o     o           o
     |     |           |
     o-----o--- ... ---o
      \               /
       \             /
        \           /
         \         /
          \       /
           \     /
            \   /
             \ /

The State Partition expresses the conditions that:

| At each of the points-in-time p<i>, for i = 0 to 2,
| M can be in exactly one state q<j>, for j in the set {0, 1, #, *}.

Register Partition:

(( p0_r0 ),( p0_r1 ),( p0_r2 ))
(( p1_r0 ),( p1_r1 ),( p1_r2 ))
(( p2_r0 ),( p2_r1 ),( p2_r2 ))

The Register Partition expresses the conditions that:

| At each of the points-in-time p<i>, for i = 0 to 2,
| H can be on exactly one cell  r<j>, for j = 0 to 2.

Symbol Partition:

(( p0_r0_s0 ),( p0_r0_s1 ),( p0_r0_s# ))
(( p0_r1_s0 ),( p0_r1_s1 ),( p0_r1_s# ))
(( p0_r2_s0 ),( p0_r2_s1 ),( p0_r2_s# ))

(( p1_r0_s0 ),( p1_r0_s1 ),( p1_r0_s# ))
(( p1_r1_s0 ),( p1_r1_s1 ),( p1_r1_s# ))
(( p1_r2_s0 ),( p1_r2_s1 ),( p1_r2_s# ))

(( p2_r0_s0 ),( p2_r0_s1 ),( p2_r0_s# ))
(( p2_r1_s0 ),( p2_r1_s1 ),( p2_r1_s# ))
(( p2_r2_s0 ),( p2_r2_s1 ),( p2_r2_s# ))

The Symbol Partition expresses the conditions that:

| At each of the points-in-time p<i>, for i in {0, 1, 2},
| In each of the tape-registers r<j>, for j in {0, 1, 2}, 
| There can be exactly one sign s<k>, for k in {0, 1, #}.

Interaction Conditions:

(( p0_r0 ) p0_r0_s0 ( p1_r0_s0 ))
(( p0_r0 ) p0_r0_s1 ( p1_r0_s1 ))
(( p0_r0 ) p0_r0_s# ( p1_r0_s# ))

(( p0_r1 ) p0_r1_s0 ( p1_r1_s0 ))
(( p0_r1 ) p0_r1_s1 ( p1_r1_s1 ))
(( p0_r1 ) p0_r1_s# ( p1_r1_s# ))

(( p0_r2 ) p0_r2_s0 ( p1_r2_s0 ))
(( p0_r2 ) p0_r2_s1 ( p1_r2_s1 ))
(( p0_r2 ) p0_r2_s# ( p1_r2_s# ))

(( p1_r0 ) p1_r0_s0 ( p2_r0_s0 ))
(( p1_r0 ) p1_r0_s1 ( p2_r0_s1 ))
(( p1_r0 ) p1_r0_s# ( p2_r0_s# ))

(( p1_r1 ) p1_r1_s0 ( p2_r1_s0 ))
(( p1_r1 ) p1_r1_s1 ( p2_r1_s1 ))
(( p1_r1 ) p1_r1_s# ( p2_r1_s# ))

(( p1_r2 ) p1_r2_s0 ( p2_r2_s0 ))
(( p1_r2 ) p1_r2_s1 ( p2_r2_s1 ))
(( p1_r2 ) p1_r2_s# ( p2_r2_s# ))

In briefest terms, the Interaction Conditions merely express
the circumstance that the sign in a tape-cell cannot change
between two points-in-time unless the tape-head is over the
cell in question at the initial one of those points-in-time.
All that we have to do is to see how they manage to say this.

In RefLog, an expression of the following form:

"(( p<i>_r<j> ) p<i>_r<j>_s<k> ( p<i+1>_r<j>_s<k> ))",

and which parses as the graph:

       p<i>_r<j> o   o  p<i+1>_r<j>_s<k>
                  \ /
    p<i>_r<j>_s<k> o

can be read in the form of the following implication:

| If
| At the point-in-time p<i>, the tape-cell r<j> bears the mark s<k>,
| But it is not the case that
| At the point-in-time p<i>, the tape-head is on the tape-cell r<j>.
| Then
| At the point-in-time p<i+1>, the tape-cell r<j> bears the mark s<k>.

Folks among us of a certain age and a peculiar manner of acculturation will
recognize these as the "Frame Conditions" for the change of state of the TM.

Transition Relations:

( p0_q0  p0_r1  p0_r1_s0  ( p1_q0  p1_r2  p1_r1_s0 ))
( p0_q0  p0_r1  p0_r1_s1  ( p1_q1  p1_r2  p1_r1_s1 ))
( p0_q0  p0_r1  p0_r1_s#  ( p1_q#  p1_r0  p1_r1_s# ))
( p0_q0  p0_r2  p0_r2_s#  ( p1_q#  p1_r1  p1_r2_s# ))

( p0_q1  p0_r1  p0_r1_s0  ( p1_q1  p1_r2  p1_r1_s0 ))
( p0_q1  p0_r1  p0_r1_s1  ( p1_q0  p1_r2  p1_r1_s1 ))
( p0_q1  p0_r1  p0_r1_s#  ( p1_q*  p1_r0  p1_r1_s# ))
( p0_q1  p0_r2  p0_r2_s#  ( p1_q*  p1_r1  p1_r2_s# ))

( p1_q0  p1_r1  p1_r1_s0  ( p2_q0  p2_r2  p2_r1_s0 ))
( p1_q0  p1_r1  p1_r1_s1  ( p2_q1  p2_r2  p2_r1_s1 ))
( p1_q0  p1_r1  p1_r1_s#  ( p2_q#  p2_r0  p2_r1_s# ))
( p1_q0  p1_r2  p1_r2_s#  ( p2_q#  p2_r1  p2_r2_s# ))

( p1_q1  p1_r1  p1_r1_s0  ( p2_q1  p2_r2  p2_r1_s0 ))
( p1_q1  p1_r1  p1_r1_s1  ( p2_q0  p2_r2  p2_r1_s1 ))
( p1_q1  p1_r1  p1_r1_s#  ( p2_q*  p2_r0  p2_r1_s# ))
( p1_q1  p1_r2  p1_r2_s#  ( p2_q*  p2_r1  p2_r2_s# ))

The Transition Conditions merely serve to express,
by means of 16 complex implication expressions,
the data of the TM table that was given above.


And here are the outputs of the computation,
as emulated by its propositional rendition,
and as actually generated within that form
of transmogrification by the program that
I wrote for finding all of the satisfying
interpretations (truth-value assignments)
of propositional expressions in RefLog:


Output Conditions:


The Output Conditions amount to the sole satisfying interpretation,
that is, a "sequence of truth-value assignments" (SOTVA) that make
the entire proposition come out true, and they state the following:

| At the point-in-time p<0>, M is in the state q<0>,       and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, H is on the cell  r<1>,       and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<0> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<1> bears the mark "0", and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<2> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<1>, M is in the state q<0>,       and 
| At the point-in-time p<1>, H is on the cell  r<2>,       and
| At the point-in-time p<1>, cell r<0> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<1>, cell r<1> bears the mark "0", and
| At the point-in-time p<1>, cell r<2> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<2>, M is in the state q<#>,       and 
| At the point-in-time p<2>, H is on the cell  r<1>,       and
| At the point-in-time p<2>, cell r<0> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<2>, cell r<1> bears the mark "0", and
| At the point-in-time p<2>, cell r<2> bears the mark "#".

In brief, the output for our sake being the symbol that rests
under the tape-head H when the machine M gets to a rest state,
we are now amazed by the remarkable result that Parity(0) = 0.



Output Conditions:


The Output Conditions amount to the sole satisfying interpretation,
that is, a "sequence of truth-value assignments" (SOTVA) that make
the entire proposition come out true, and they state the following:

| At the point-in-time p<0>, M is in the state q<0>,       and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, H is on the cell  r<1>,       and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<0> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<1> bears the mark "1", and
| At the point-in-time p<0>, cell r<2> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<1>, M is in the state q<1>,       and 
| At the point-in-time p<1>, H is on the cell  r<2>,       and
| At the point-in-time p<1>, cell r<0> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<1>, cell r<1> bears the mark "1", and
| At the point-in-time p<1>, cell r<2> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<2>, M is in the state q<*>,       and 
| At the point-in-time p<2>, H is on the cell  r<1>,       and
| At the point-in-time p<2>, cell r<0> bears the mark "#", and
| At the point-in-time p<2>, cell r<1> bears the mark "1", and
| At the point-in-time p<2>, cell r<2> bears the mark "#".

In brief, the output for our sake being the symbol that rests
under the tape-head H when the machine M gets to a rest state,
we are now amazed by the remarkable result that Parity(1) = 1.


I am still in the process of de-tangling these
bits and pieces and odds and ends and notions
of threads, but till I do, here is a sampler
of linkages that may serve to explain a few
of the ideas that were not covered in any
suitably self-contained fashion above:


Running Accumulation of Reference Materials:

Extensions of Logical Graphs:


In Praise of Zeroth-Order Logic:


Signs, Information, Logic, Inquiry:


All Liar, No Paradox:


Analytic Differential Ontology (ADO):


Shroud of Turing:


Peirce's Cook's Turing:


Painted Cacti & Propositional Calculus:


For The Sake Of The Ultimate Reckoning Graph Engine:


Where I Hang Out Most E-joyfully (WIHOME):

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Psahmes the Scribe,
Locally, Nominally,

Jon Awbrey

Auguration Day
Year 2001 A.D.


Received on Saturday, 20 January 2001 17:34:24 UTC