Re: Difference between syntactic building blocks and formal languages ...


If we consider RDF triples to have no formal semantics:

a.  I don't understand how we can say any triples have property arcs 
(or, for that matter, what a "property" is for them to have).

b.  I don't understand how we could then use RDF for even simple 
metadata (like "the creator of <foobar> is John");  it seems to me under 
your scheme we'd have to use some language built on top of RDF to do 
even that (which people might do anyway, but that's another issue).


Seth Russell wrote:

> Re:
> Quoting from: Ian Horrocks (
> [[
> These sorts of problem illustrates just why we need a precisely
> defined semantics for our languages. If we allow for two possible
> interpretations we may get into all sorts of difficulties:
> - it may be impossible to say something in DAML+OIL without stating
>   something unintended in RDF (and vice versa)
> - it may be impossible to know which of two (possibly conflicting)
>   meanings is the intended one
> ]]
> But if we consider RDF\triples to be just syntactic building blocks with no
> formal semantics whatsoever, then would we still have this problem?  This
> view would mean that the entailments of any statement are only the
> entailments that can be infered by the axioms related to the arc label. In
> other words property arcs have semantics and entailments, but languages like
> DMLS, RDFS don't.  This has the advantage of allowing us to mix and match
> all the available properties of all the schema written in or translatable
> into NTriples.
> Would that work?  If not, why not?
> Seth Russell

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Sunday, 30 December 2001 15:44:13 UTC