Re: DAML+RDFS: potentials for simplifications?

[Peter F. Patel-Schneider]

> From: Dan Connolly <>
> Subject: Re: DAML+RDFS: potentials for simplifications?
> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 12:37:17 -0600
> >
> > The spec says in so many words:
> >
> >   "A DAML+OIL knowledge base is a collection of RDF triples."
> > --
> So?  An RDF/XML document is an XML document, but I don't think that an XML
> processor will at like an RDF processor just because it is given an
> document instead of some other XML document.

Right.  You may be able to parse a sentence and know that it is a sentence,
even know the subject, etc., but still not know what the sentence means to


Tom P

Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2001 19:12:00 UTC