Re: Range interpretation question.

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Ken Baclawski wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Arjohn Kampman wrote:
> > Assume that the C is rdfs:Literal and that you're using
> > a resource uri as a target of the property. Using (b)
> > this would mean that the uri is a literal. To the best
> > of my knowledge, a uri cannot be both a resource and a
> > literal.
> No, the DAML+OIL axiomatic semantics states that literals
> are resources.  From Axiom 17:
> Ax17.    (=> (Type ?r ?c) (and (Type ?r Resource) (Type ?c rdfs:Class)))
> one can conclude (by setting ?c to rdfs:Literal) that
> (=> (Type ?r rdfs:Literal) (Type ?r Resource))

Maybe I misunderstand, but my impression is that this axiom
does not hold for Literal, because membership of the set of
literals is not expressed using an explicit type

If it _is_ to interpreted as you say, then there is a
strange discrepancy here between RDFS (in which Literals and
Resources are disjoint sets) and DAML+OIL.


                               Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Sciences
Jeen Broekstra              Division of Mathematics & Computer Science                                    de Boelelaan 1081a        1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Received on Thursday, 26 April 2001 03:50:12 UTC