Re: A plea for peace. was: RE: DAML+OIL (March 2001) released: a correction

Dan Connolly <> wrote:

> But in practice, I don't expect to use reification
> to actually convert between logical formulas
> and RDF 1.0 syntax.

So, to be clear, you are suggesting what?

I would guess you want an RDF 1.5 or RDF 2.0 with built-in primitives for
logic? And this would be done after the work of the current RDF Core group,

And what are your thoughts on the current work doing logic in N3 -- it seems
that this uses reification (the {} braces) to do logic and works just fine.

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Thursday, 5 April 2001 13:04:08 UTC