RE: Question: DAML cardinality restrictions

<- As far as logical sophistication of users goes, I don't any qualitative
<- difference between databases and knowledge bases.  To really understand
<- either one, and, in particular, to understand querying of either one,
<- requires a certain level of understanding of their underlying formalisms.
<- The only qualitative advantage that databases may have is one of
<- familiarity.

Hang on a second - who are the users?

Surely as humans we will be dealing with a layer (several layers) above the
underlying formalisms. Ok, so underneath it all there may not be any
qualitive difference (though there could be - you don't often find Bayesian
probabilities and fuzzy truth values in databases), - assuming there isn't
then the logical sophistication won't be different. But from the human
perspective, which requires more sophistication :

SELECT * FROM people WHERE father > 1

Who do you know with more than one father?

Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2001 12:48:07 UTC