RDF and Logic Programming (and Hypergraphs)

RDF-Logic Colleagues,

recently I've been working on comparisons of Horn Logic
with XML (http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/~boley/xmlp-engl.ps)
and  RDF (http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/~boley/rdfphtml/).

Since the RDF-LP comparison captures a subset of what
Dan Brickley has announced as the scope of this list,
let me post the abstract here.


Relationships Between Logic Programming and RDF

Mutual relationships between logic programming and RDF are examined.
Basic RDF is formalized with ground binary Datalog Horn facts.
Containers are modeled using (`active') polyadic constructors. For
meta-statements a modal-logic treatment is suggested. To reduce large
fact sets, an ``inferential RDF'', with special Horn rules, is
introduced. A direct representation of non-binary relations is
proposed. Reification is thus abandonned and RDF diagrams are
generalized using hypergraphs.  RDF types are considered as sort
predicates. RDF Schema's class/property hierarchies are regarded as a
second-order subsumes/subsumes2 syntax or as simple Horn rules. Its
domain/range constraints are extended to (polymorphic) signatures.
All concepts are explained via knowledge-representation examples as
usable by information agents.

Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2000 04:27:24 UTC