RE: tracing statement origin (was Re: I have a trouble with The RDF Model)

Gabe Beged-Dov wrote:

> I think the RDF syntax already allows both a document level and a
> container level way to trace the source of an occurence of a
> triple/statement. The document level tracing is provided by the URI of
> the riefied statement resource. The container level (equivalent to
> rdf:Description) tracing is provided by the URI of the Bag that is
> generated to trace all the statements that occurred in that Bag's
> syntactic occurrence. Here is a fully labelled syntax fragment in a
> source document:
> document name:
> ...
> <rdf:Description rdf:bagID="bag1" rdf:about="bush">
>    <wonThe rdf:ID="id1">Election</wonThe>
> </rdf:Description>
> In most cases, the bagID and the property ID would be generated by the
> RDF processor (although most RDF processors don't currently do this).
> Let's use a more terse URI for this document e.g. "ECResults". Then
> you would get something like the triples below.
> They start out with the ground statement. Then there is the triples
> for the reified statement resource. Finally there is the triple for
> the reference from the Bag representing the rdf:Description to the
> reified resource. All the generated triples have the source document
> as the base URI and are therefore traceable.
> Ground Statement:
>  [Bush, wonThe, Election]
> Reified Statement Resource:
>  [ECResults#id1, type, statement]
>  [ECResults#id1, subject, Bush]
>  [ECResults#id1, predicate, wonThe]
>  [ECResults#id1, predicate, Election]
> Syntactic context for Reified Statement Resource:
>  [ECResults#bag1, rdf:_1, ECResults#id1]
>  [ECResults#bag1, type, Bag]
> Comments?

This works. These bags are a general solution to the discussion on contexts
and/or spaces.

Jonathan Borden
The Open Healthcare Group

Received on Sunday, 26 November 2000 23:47:28 UTC