Re: DAML-ONT: RDF syntax

Dan Connolly, to Sergey Melnik:
> > While local references seem to remain intact, they actually refer
> > to completely different objects, so most applications that try to access
> > the copy will break.
>What's broken is the expectation of somebody who thinks
>they can take content from one part of the Web and republish
>it elsewhere without any glitches. The applications don't
>"break" in this case; they're just doing what they're told
>to do.

All code is just doing what it is told to do. If that isnt what one 
wants it to do, then the code needs to be rewritten, not worshipped.

But Dan, it seems to me that content should, as far as possible, be 
movable without breaking. Why is that an unreasonable expectation?

Pat Hayes

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Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2000 10:55:41 UTC