Foundations of Models for Information Integration workshop (FMII-2001)

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                      International Workshop on

                  as the 10th Workshop in the Series
   Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects (FMLDO)

                      Viterbo (near Rome), Italy
                        16-18 September, 2001
                    (immediately after VLDB-2001)


                           CALL FOR PAPERS

The 10th FMLDO workshop continues the tradition started in 1989 of a
series of international workshops devoted to the Foundations of Models
and Languages for Data and Objects.  The main principle of this
workshop series is to focus on one selected theme different from year
to year, and to offer the opportunity for in-depth exchange of ideas
and experiences between the best database researchers in the area.
This year research papers on the Foundations of Models for Information
Integration are solicited.  Papers emphasising foundations of emerging
topics within the theme are especially welcome.  Information about
past workshops in the FMLDO series can be found at

FMII-2001 will last three days, and in order to stimulate extensive
discussions the time for the presentation of a long (short) paper will
be 60 (30) minutes followed by about 30 (15) minutes of discussion.
Furthermore, participants will be asked in advance to prepare a
response to the work presented.  In addition to the talks, there will
be working groups which concentrate on current research topics and try
to develop a common understanding of the problems involved.
Participation to the workshop will be by invitation only.  The
proceedings will be printed by Springer-Verlag within the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science <> series.

The workshop will enjoy the talks of three invited speakers:

* Amr El Abbadi,   Univ. of California Santa Barbara, USA
* Serge Abiteboul, INRIA, France
* Tamer Ozsu,      Univ. of Waterloo, Canada

FMII-2001 will be held in Viterbo (near Rome), Italy, 16-18 September,
2001, as an affiliate event with the 27th International Conference on
Very Large Databases (VLDB-2001, Rome, Italy, 11-14 September, 2001).
FMII-2001 will be co-located with the 8th International Workshop on
Knowledge Representation meets Databases (KRDB-2001, 16 September,
2001, chaired by Maurizio Lenzerini, see
<>), and it will
have a joint session with KRDB-2001.

The workshop will take place in Viterbo, one of the most famous
medieval towns of Italy.  Still enclosed within its walls, Viterbo has
preserved a medieval appearance surprisingly unaltered and is even
more colourful due to the survival of the ancient artisan traditions.
Churches, edifices, towers, fountains, and the quarter of Saint
Pellegrino, are all immersed together with its ancient construction of
rock in an extraordinary captivating atmosphere.  Viterbo was once the
chief town of Tuscia, an area once possessed by the Etruscans, and
boasts of archeological findings of this ancient and mysterious
civilisation found within its vicinity. Viterbo is 80 Km at North of
Rome (with its airport, Fiumicino FCO), 150 Km at South of Florence,
90 Km at South of Siena, and 40 Km at West of Orvieto. The city is
easily reachable from Rome and Florence by train or by bus.


SUGGESTED TOPICS (the order does not reflect priorities):

* Views and Data Warehousing
* Loading and Maintaining the Data Warehouse
* World-Wide and Mobile Data Services
* Database and Agent Support for Ubiquitous and Continuous Operations
* Distributed and Integrated Data Semantics
* Large Scale Data Distribution
* Data Integration and Interoperability
* Fusion of Heterogeneous Data Sources
* Methodologies for Data Extraction
* Methodologies for Data Cleaning and Reconciliation
* Dealing with Data Inconsistencies
* Ontologies and Models for Semantic Data Integration 
* Logic in Information Integration
* Deductive Databases and Knowledge Bases Technologies for Integration
* Verification and Validation of Distributed Information Systems
* Federations of Engineering and Scientific Databases
* On-Line Analytical Processing
* Agent-based Integration of Heterogeneous Data
* Query Answering and Query Processing on the Web
* Role of Metadata and Semistructured Data in Integration
* Paradigms for Global Information Processing on the Web and Web Warehousing
* Quality Factors and Metrics in Information Integration



Alberto Mendelzon,       Univ. of Toronto, Canada
Alex Borgida,            Rutgers Univ., USA
Dan Suciu,               Univ. of Washington, USA
David Toman,             Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
Divesh Srivastava,       ATT Labs - Research, USA
Elisa Bertino,           Univ. of Milano, Italy
Giuseppe De Giacomo,     Univ. of Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy
Gosta Grahne,            Concordia Univ., Canada
Gottfried Vossen,        Univ. of Munster, Germany
Gunter Saake,            Univ. of Magdeburg, Germany
Jan Chomicki,            SUNY at Buffalo, USA
Jan Van den Bussche,     Univ. of Limburg, Belgium
John Mylopoulos,         Univ. of Toronto, Canada
Letizia Tanca,           Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Luigi Palopoli,          Univ. di Reggio Calabria, Italy
Marie-Christine Rousset, Univ. of Paris-Sud, France
Mary Fernandez,          ATT Labs - Research, USA
Matthias Jarke,          Aachen Univ. of Technology, Germany
Maurizio Rafanelli,      IASI-CNR, Italy
Oliver Duschka,          McKinsey & Company Inc., Germany
Ralf Kuesters,           Univ. of Kiel, Germany
Sibel Adali,             Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Sonia Bergamaschi,       Univ. of Modena, Italy
Stefan Brass,            Univ. of Giessen, Germany
Tova Milo,               Tel Aviv Univ., Israel
Vinay Chaudhri,          SRI International, USA
Werner Nutt,             Heriot-Watt Univ., United Kingdom
Yannis Ioannidis,        Univ. of Wisconsin, USA


Enrico Franconi (Chair), Univ. of Manchester, UK, <>
Ken Barker,              Univ. of Manitoba, Canada, <>
Diego Calvanese,         Univ. of Rome 1, Italy, <>


Stefan Conrad (Chair),   Univ. of Munich, Germany


IMPORTANT DATES:   Submissions:     27  May 2001
                  Notification:      2 July 2001
                  Camera Ready:     28 July 2001
                      Workshop:  16-18 September 2001

SUBMISSION FORMAT: Extended abstracts of up to 15 pages (LaTeX article
12pt, US letter or A4 paper) for long presentations and 5 pages for
short presentations. Check the workshop web page for the submission



The workshop venue is the Mini Palace Hotel, situated at walking
distance from the historical center of Viterbo, near Porta Romana.
Each rooms is equipped with air conditioning, bathroom, telephone,
mini-bar, TV and radio.  Information regarding registration and travel
will be announced closer to the date of the workshop. Check the
workshop page for updates.  Participation to the workshop will be by
invitation only.

Enquiries about the workshop can be made by mailing to the FMII-2001
workshop chair.

The FMII-2001 web page is at <>


Received on Friday, 15 December 2000 10:25:19 UTC