- From: Technical Support <technical.support@openlinksw.com>
- Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 00:30:54 +0100
- To: www-rdf-interest@w3.org
- Message-Id: <5CC099CC-5CC6-49C0-96BA-5A780190BD13@openlinksw.com>
Hi, OpenLink Software is pleased to announce the official release of Virtuoso Open-Source Edition, Version 6.1.2: New product features as of July 09, 2010, V6.1.2, include: * Database engine - Added FOAF+SSL based authentication for ODBC, JDBC, OLEDB, and ADO.NET client connections - Added support for following http redirects automatically - Added extra graph delta-engine functions with regards to diff, iteration over dictionary, and obtaining the biggest possible iri_id on given 32-/64-bit platform - Added initial support for Python Runtime hosting via bif_python_exec - Added client- and server-side Semantic Pingback APIs - Added ODBC setting WideasUTF16 to return UTF-16LE for SQLWCHAR - Fixed ODBC setting for UTF-8 when DB keeps UTF-8 in VARCHARs - Fixed ODBC SQLAllocStmt issues exposed when using QtSQL's ODBC layer - Fixed HTTP, SOAP, XML-RPC when used with proxies and reverse-proxies - Fixed Conductor UI for handling FOAF+SSL WebIDs for ODBC/SQL session logins - Fixed handling of column default value of 0 - Fixed support for BIGINT in parameter marshalling - Fixed issue with default maxmempoolsize - Fixed issue with extent map and free pages map - Fixed memory leaks - Fixed issue with freelist chain - Fixed issue with partitioned TOP ORDER BY - Updated documentation * SPARQL and RDF - Added Sponger cartridges for CSV, Etsy.com, FaceBook, OpenGraph, Idiomag, Tumbler, Vimeo, Wine.com, Upstream.tv, and others - Added more assertions to facets ontology - Added rdfs:label to default IFP based inference Rule - Added support for extra encodings - Added initial support for OData's Atom and JSON feed formats with regards to Linked Data Graph Serialization - Added support for gz and zip compressed CSV - Added CSV parser strict mode option - Added CSV parser lax mode - Added optimization for large descriptions on about page - Fixed EAV and SPO labeling modes consistency - Fixed add escape to CR/LF in JSON format - Fixed OData, Tesco.com, and HTML5 MicroData cartridges - Fixed generation of unique graphs lists - Fixed use label ontology inference rules for automating extraction OF geo coordinates - Fixed SPARQL handling of DISTINCT - Fixed SPARQL UNION selections - Fixed SPARQL statement with implicit GROUP BY; do not remove ORDER BY - Fixed RDFa parsing of @rel and @rev - Fixed abnormally long RDFa parsing of document with i18n URIs - Fixed support for subproperties of Inverse Functional Properties (owl:inverseFunctionalPropery) - Fixed support for loading inference rules from multiple ontology graphs - Fixed GPF in SPARUL INSERT optimization - Fixed issue with extra NULLs in HASH JOIN or GROUP BY - Enhanced iSPARQL using new internal RDF store for speed, browser fixes, and cosmetic changes * Native Providers for Jena, Sesame 2, and Sesame 3 - Added support for creating ruleset - Added support for inference graph - Added support for inference and query execution - Added support for query engine interface, so Jena provider now supports the following query execution modes: a) parse and execute query via ARQ b) parse query via ARQ and execute query directly via Virtuoso (new mode) c) parse and execute query directly via Virtuoso - Added support for using Virtuosodatasource - Fixed issue with batch commit - Fixed Jena's lazy initialization when graph is created - Fixed handling of quote chars in literals - Fixed issues with variable binding - Fixed small bugs * ODS Applications - Added OpenID 2.0 login and registration - Added FOAF+SSL registration for users pages (JSP, PHP, VSP, etc.) - Added FOAF+SSL based ACLs for shared resources - Added GoodRelations based Offers as part of Profile Manager - Added support for associating multiple X.509 certificates with a single WebID - Added photo and audio upload for JavaScript, VSP, PHP, and JSP pages - Added Relationship Ontology enhancements to Profile Manager - Added Client and Server support for PubSubHubbub protocol - Fixed OpenID + WebID hybrid protocol handling; reverts back to using the same URL for both OpenID- and FOAF-based Profile Page - Fixed handing of multiple items in Alternate Subject Name slot of X.509 certificate for WebID Protocol - Fixed GoodsRelations integration with SIOC-based Data Spaces as part of richer Profile Data construction - Fixed VTIMEZONE component in iCalendar data representation - Fixed Profile Manager UI associated with GoodRelations Offers - Fixed Profile Manager UI associated with identification of FavoriteThings . Other links: Virtuoso Open Source Edition: * Home Page: <http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/> * Download Page: <http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/VOSDownload> OpenLink Data Spaces: * Home Page: <http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/OdsIndex> * SPARQL Usage Examples (re. SIOC, FOAF, AtomOWL, SKOS): <http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/ODSSIOCRef> OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT): * Project Page: <http://sourceforge.net/projects/oat> * Live Demonstration: <http://demo.openlinksw.com/oatdemo> * Interactive SPARQL Demo: <http://demo.openlinksw.com/isparql/> OpenLink Data Explorer (Firefox extension for RDF browsing): * Home Page: <http://ode.openlinksw.com/> Best Regards Product Support OpenLink Software Web: http://www.openlinksw.com Support: http://support.openlinksw.com Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink
Received on Friday, 9 July 2010 23:39:26 UTC