Call for Workshops, Tutorials, Posters, and Demos - Fourth Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2009)


Call for Workshops, Tutorials, Posters, and Demos

Fourth Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2009)

6-9 December, 2009

Shanghai, China

The Asian Semantic Web Conference is the yearly conference on
theoretical foundations, technological building blocks and practical
applications of semantic technologies on the Asian continent. Targeted
at both academia and industry, the conference will present the latest
research and development of the Semantic Web and its related
technologies. It will bring together researchers in relevant
disciplines such as artificial intelligence, knowledge modeling,
logic, databases, social networks, Web services, distributed
computing, Web engineering, information systems, natural language
processing, multimedia, and human-computer interaction.

Besides presenting papers including latest research in the Semantic
Web area, this year the conference will also include workshops,
tutorials and a poster and demo session.

For these three events, we welcome submissions that are aligned with
the topics of the conference

Further details about the calls for workshops, tutorials, posters, and
demos can be found in the conference web page:

* ASWC2009 Call for Workshops
* ASWC2009 Call for Tutorials
* ASWC2009 Call for Posters and Demos

===Important dates===

'Workshop Track
* Proposal due: 27 Aug 2009
* Notification : 3 Sept 2009
* The important dates for accepted workshops are:
   ** Paper Submissions: 3 Oct 2009
   ** Paper Notification: 15 Oct 2009
   ** Paper Camera-ready: 22 Oct 2009
   ** Workshop days: 6-7 Dec 2009

Tutorial Track

* 10 Sept 2009:  Proposal submission
* 17 Sept 2009: Notification
* 5 Nov 2009: Tutorial notes (handouts) to tutorial chair
* Tutorial days: 6-7 Dec 2009

Poster and Demo Track

* Poster and demo submission: 17 Sept 2009
* Notification of acceptance: 1 Oct 2009
* Camera-ready version: 15 Oct 2009
   ** Poster and Demo days: 8-9 Dec 2009


* ASWC2009 Workshop Chair: Hong-Gee Kim, Seoul National University,
Korea (
* ASWC2009 Tutorial Chair: Jie Bao, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
* ASWC2009 Poster and Demo Chair: Raúl García-Castro, Universidad
Politecnica de Madrid, Spain (

Received on Monday, 17 August 2009 09:19:24 UTC