Question: Collections and Containers

Dear all,

Can anybody help a RDF-beginner with the following problem? If this is 
not the right place for asking such a question, can you direct me to any 
other mailing list or newsgroup where I can get some help?

In an RDF schema, I'd like to define a property whose property value is 
a Collection, which (if I got it right) effectively means that the range 
of this property is rdf:List, e.g.,

    <rdf:Property rdf:ID="xyz">
        <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="http://ABC"/>
        <rdfs:range rdf:resource="rdf:List"/>

My question is now, is it possible to define in the RDF schema which 
types the items in this Collection may have? (I believe you that it is 
possible with OWL or in any other ontology language, but I have to know 
whether it is possible with RDF as well.)

The same problem arises when the range of the property is a Container. 
Is there any possibility to define which types the items in this 
Container may have?

Thanks for any hints,
Andreas Schorr

Received on Friday, 19 May 2006 12:03:25 UTC