Multiple (conflicting) rdfs:range properties


Definition from RDF Schema:

    3.1 rdfs:range

        P rdfs:range C

    Where P has more than one rdfs:range property, then the resources
    denoted by the objects of triples with predicate P are instances
    of all the classes stated by the rdfs:range properties.

Now, consider an example:

    my:property1 rdfs:range rdfs:Literal, my:Class1.

This effectively means that any object I use with this predicate is
an instance of both rdfs:Literal and my:Class1 classes:

    example:thing1 my:property1 example:thing2.

Formally this is not a contradiction.  But isn't it a contradiction

I appreciate any answer.  Thank you!

Alexander Pohoyda <>
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Received on Thursday, 20 July 2006 14:26:20 UTC