Communal RDF Statements


Here's a strange idea - apologies if it's been suggested before.

One of my main concerns with the basic development of the SW is that
when I create statements about a dog,,
and you create statements about a dog,, our 'web' of statements are
unconnected, unless we explicitly relate our uris.

Has anyone considered creating a core wikipedia-like resource of
class/property URIs, that can be edited like a normal wiki (i.e. anyone
can contribute RDF statements about any URI)?

Just to clarify - this would be a wiki-like website, with communal
access to editing the information.  But rather than having
wiki-code/html for each page/node in the wiki, each page/node (uri)
would be a set of RDF/XML statements about that uri, which the browser
could then display to the user through linking to an XSL stylesheet
(that would also add the html forms that allowed people to edit it,
etc.).  So, if you went to:

for example, your web browser would be getting a list of RDF/OWL
statements about, and then transforming
that into something pretty (with editing capabilities that allowed you
to edit/add to the statements about this URI, or add further URIs/nodes,
like a normal wiki).  We could both then use the URI in our statements, and our agents
would benefit from any additional RDF/OWL logic which people may have
added in the Wiki.

Does this idea actually make sense, or am I talking like a crazy man?



Dan Zambonini
Box UK
Internet Development and Consultancy

t: +44 (0)29 2022 8822
f: +44 (0)29 2022 8820

Received on Thursday, 5 May 2005 09:09:53 UTC