RSS 1.1: Second Public Draft

We are pleased to announce the publication of the second public draft           
of the RSS 1.1 Specification, incorporating feedback received from the          
syndication community:                                                          
   - RSS 1.1: RDF Site Summary                                                  
     (Preliminary Draft: 23rd January 2005)                                     
The list of changes in this draft is listed in Appendix B of the 
specification, Errata[1].

Any feedback on these changes or the specification in general to can 
be sent to this mailing list, or directly to the authors. For discussion of 
the RSS 1.1 Specification, there is also an IRC channel on the Freenode[2] 
IRC network, #rss1.1.
RSS 1.1 is an independent draft and is not supported or endorsed in any         
way by the RSS-Dev Working Group.



Christopher Schmidt

Received on Monday, 24 January 2005 15:20:37 UTC