Re: a simpler form of rdf xml

Sandro Hawke wrote:
>>>Or turn the element into a URI and
>>>look it up to see whether it's a Class or Property.
>>that's exactly the kind of things that people from the XML world want to 
>>avoid (as much as they can).
> Why?     


the first solution is way easier to implement and use than the second.

moreover, the existing XML tools (and systems and frameworks) know 
nothing about network-discovered and assembled schemas. they are *NOT* 
built with an open world assumption. the most they can do is to fetch a 
schema for validation from a URL or a catalog.

So, while the above suggestion doesn't seem like a big deal for people 
with a concept of open world and distributed data access, it does look 
academic for people that, like in this case, *just* want to encode their 
blog data and metadata so that other people can use it and are not 
afraid to recommend a way to do it.

Personally, I totally see your point and I agree that it's the most 
elegant way to achieve that goal (because it does *NOT* require anybody 
to agree on a way to encode elements)

But thinking back a few years, I would have turned away in disgust.

Also, I don't think they know about ontaria ;-)


Received on Friday, 14 January 2005 15:14:21 UTC