CFP: Semantic Infrastructure for Grid Computing Applications Workshop at CCGrid 2005 -- Deadline Extended

Apologies for multiple copies



Organized at the
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid 
CCGrid 2005 May 9-12, 2005, Cardiff, UK
In conjunction with the GGF Semantic Grid Research Group

About the Field

Pressing needs have emerged in grid computing applications (domain
sciences) for adequate description of the large volumes of data 
produced by data-intensive simulations and experiments on scientific 
The data produced by scientific applications such as climate modeling, 
high throughput biology and proteomics, high energy physics and others 
and the knowledge derived from it will lose value in the future if the 
mechanisms for inventory, cataloging, searching, viewing, retrieving, 
and presenting this data are not quickly improved. For example, at the 
end of 2002, the volume of climate modeling data available to the 
climate research community produced in the US was 75 Terabytes (1.2 
million files) distributed across 5 storage facilities, and as much as 
3 Petabytes (3000 TBs) are expected for the end of 2007. Other sciences 
such as biomedical science and bioinformatics produce smaller but 
numerous, diverse, and widely distributed files stored on individual 
desktops and databases. Faced with an impending data crisis, scientists 
and data managers are turning to computer scientists for proposing and 
developing adequate solutions: a crucial part of these solutions are 
semantic-based data descriptions, models, services, and systems.


This workshop is designed to take a snapshot of promising research on 
semantic systems in the context of Grid computing and track emerging 
do-able solutions for developing a semantic infrastructure. Languages, 
tools and technologies are already available, in particular those 
borrowed from the Semantic Web community, the Digital Library 
community, and the Semantic Grid. However, much remains to be done. For 
instance, a semantic infrastructure leveraging common denominators 
between grid applications and architectures is needed. Additionally, 
semantic systems must easily adapt to tailor customized solutions for 
individual applications. Some lightweight versions must be available to 
facilitate customization and integration in existing environments (for 
instance problem-solving environments). Other systems need to scale to 
the volumes and diversity of the data. As successful prototypes move 
towards deployment provisions for maintenance will have to be made. The 
workshop is seeking papers presenting innovative research, design, and 
lessons learned with an emphasis on scientific applications.

Topics of interest include:

Integration of rich semantics in grid architectures Ontologies and 
semantic services for grid applications Automatic capture and 
annotation tools for semantic-based data description Semantic-based 
searching tools Scalable, flexible, lightweight systems and 
technologies Ontology repositories and maintenance Virtual data stores 
Instantiable architectures for semantic systems Convergence and/or 
interoperability of Grid and W3C standards Semantic-based improved 
interoperability Federations of semantic systems for cross-linking data 
files between independent data grids.
Data grid semantic issues related to control mechanisms and state 
information Preservation semantic issues related to authenticity and 
technology evolution

Chair: Line Pouchard, ORNL
Co-Chair: Luc Moreau, University of Southampton
Co-Chair: Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool

Program Committee

Hafiz Farooq Ahmad, Communication Technologies, Sendai, Japan
Naveen Ashish, NASA Ames
Mario Cannataro, University "Magna Gręcia" of Catanzaro, Italy
Dan Cook, University of Washington
Ewa Deelman, ISI, University of California
David De Roure, Southampton University, UK
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory
Yolanda Gil, ISI, University of California
Mike Huhns, University of South Carolina
Rich Keller, NASA Ames
Carl Kesselman, ISI, University of California
Manolis Koubarakis, Technical University of Crete
Bertram Ludaesher, SDSC, University of California, San Diego
Reagan Moore, University of California, San Diego
Jim Myers, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Benno Overeinder, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Marlon Pierce, University of Indiana
Daniel Rubin, Stanford University
Andrew Woolf, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and CCLRC


Paper should not exceed 6 pages total. Position papers will be accepted 
based on available space. Authors should refer to conference 
requirements for formats (double-column, single space, 10 point size, 
IEEE 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines).

Submit papers in pdf format with a filename containing your last name 
and no space (ex: yourlastname.pdf) to  (drag and drop) AND send an 
email containing your name and the title of your paper to .

Workshop Proceedings will be published separately from the conference.

Submissions Due: January 20, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: February, 2005 Camera-ready copy:
March 1st, 2005 Workshop date: TBD

Per conference policies:
(1) submissions of material that has already been published, and
(2) submissions of the same (or very similar) material to multiple 
workshops -- or to a workshop and the main track of CCGrid 2005 will 
not be permitted.
(3) All Submissions will peer-reviewed.

Valentina Tamma	
Agent ART Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
tel +44-151-794 6797
fax +44-151-794 3715

Received on Thursday, 13 January 2005 21:00:16 UTC