RE: RDF version of IETF RFC metadata (and relationship to FOAF fi les? )

>>How's this (considering that I'd like to do the identification of the 
>>FOAF file out-of-line anyway): I do the creator like this
>>  <creator rdf:parseType="Resource" rdf:ID="rfc3120N._Walsh">
>>    <foaf:name>N. Walsh</foaf:name>
>>  </creator>

>Hmm... I can't parse that; does rdf:ID work that way? If it meas the same
>this, then we're on the same wavelength:
>  <creator>
>    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#rfc3120N._Walsh">
>      <foaf:name>N. Walsh</foaf:name>
>    </rdf:Description>
>  </creator>

arp2 parses it, but the output reminds me that my idea still has some
semantic problems: I thought I was using rdf:ID to give identity to the
document creator, but I was actually giving identity to the dc:creator
element (while rdf:about would say "this element is about the thing
identified as...", but that thing doesn't really exist). So the triples show
me that I was saying that the creator element has a FOAF file, which is not
what I was trying to get across. 

I just tried this,

  <!-- main file -->
  <rdf:Description rdf:about=''>
    <title>A URN Namespace for</title>
    <creator>K. Best</creator>
    <creator>N. Walsh</creator>

  <!-- out-of-line-file -->
  <rdf:Description rdf:about=''>
    <creator rdf:parseType="Resource">
      <foaf:name>N. Walsh</foaf:name>
      <foaf:page rdf:resource=""/>

But the arp2 output tells me that the effect is that rfc3120.txt has one
dc:creator "K. Best", another dc:creator "N. Walsh", and another that is a
resource with a foaf:name value of "N. Walsh" that has a foaf file. 

I just can't figure out how to show that the dc:creator "N. Walsh" has the
foaf file shown. I guess this is why RDF encourages the use of URLs in
objects, and I'll have to put something in my own namespace like that can be created with an
automated mapping from the IETF creator value after all. 

By the way, Dr. Dobbs said that they'd be running my article "RDF: Store
Metadata About Anything, Anywhere" in their April issue and that I could put
it on my own website a month after the cover date. 



Received on Monday, 10 January 2005 14:51:02 UTC