Re: SemWeb Non-Starter -- Distributed URI Discovery

Al Miles wrote:
>> Second, there is a more general discovery requirement which can be 
>> loosely phrased as, 'I want to find out what x said about y,' or, 'who 
>> said what about what?'  I have no ideas for how to solve that.
Patrick Stickler wrote:
> The question "what resource is identified by this URI and what is it like"
> is a more fundamental question than the questions above.

On the Web we never can access the resource, only represemtations.
On The SW the question "what resource is identified by this URI" is in 
essence unanswerable. The right question is Alistair's.

A google like system seems to be a plausible answer, we just need an 
economic model for it.


Received on Monday, 4 April 2005 08:32:57 UTC