Re: OWL and real world wrote:

>So my qestion at the bottom is how we could handly this
>kind of exceptions? Because we know that life is full of
>exceptions. Some birds don't fly, same mammals lay eggs
>(Platypus is only one of them and to have a special class just
>for this pour guy...), and who knows and one can never be sure.
People have researched these kinds of things for decades.

Read some intro about "nonmonotonic logic", and then
continue with "default logic", which is a fairly clean
subfield of the former. Another approach is to use
bayesian or fuzzy reasoning, but I'd suggest to check
the default logic stuff first. There are, of course, several
different approaches I did not mention.

When looking through the material, keep in mind
that the problem you posed is a one of the fundamental,
hard problems of AI. No really good solutions have
appered so far. IMHO it is unlikely that any
simple and/or universal solutions could ever
appear.  This does not mean that nothing can be done:
just that all solutions are going to be complex,
partial and domain-specific.

             Tanel Tammet

Received on Friday, 24 September 2004 14:09:24 UTC