Re: web proper names

Jon Hanna wrote:

> Hopefully this is the last time I'll mention this, because I'm aware of
> quite a few flaws in it, but I made a stab at this idea at
> (go to
> if your browser doesn't do XSLT).

Hmm, looks like you and I are looking at this matter in very similar 
ways, except that I would like to see just a few terms ("predicates") 
standardized at the rdf level, while you offer a more elaborate schema 
that covers a wider range of relationships.  I think there is a real 
place for a schema like this, but I don't think it belongs in the basic 
rdf Rec per se.

>>Of course, I haven't yet read the "Web Proper Names: Naming 
>>Referents on 
>>the Web" paper
> Please do. Either you'll agree with me and add another voice to my view
> of it, or you'll disagree with me and hopefully help me see the error of
> my ways (the authors of the paper have tried, but neither of us have
> budged much so far).

I shall, but can't just now.


Tom P

Thomas B. Passin
Explorer's Guide to the Semantic Web (Manning Books)

Received on Monday, 20 September 2004 21:05:42 UTC