Re: Generated RDF conformant with good practise?

Matt Halstead writes:

> But you've used the semantics of OWL to do this, I was wondering if 
> there is a way to do this using simply the semantics of RDF/RDF-s

Ah. I misunderstood your question.

Using only RDFS, you might do this:

    bibterm:year rdfs:domain _:a.
    dc:title rdfs:domain _:b.
    bibterm:book rdfs:range [ rdfs:subClassof _:a, _:b ].

This states that anything in the range of bibterm:book is also in the
domain of bibterm:year and dc:title. But that only means that the
resources in the range of bibterm:book *could* have titles and years,
not that they *must*.

More generally, statements in RDFS say what can be inferred from data,
not whether the data is valid. If I say this:

    bibterm:book rdfs:domain bibterm:Book.
    _:a bibterm:book _:b.

Then an RDFS reasoner will infer that _:b is a bibterm:Book.
David Menendez <> <>

Received on Monday, 20 September 2004 01:29:10 UTC