Re: Generated RDF conformant with good practise?

Howard Katz wrote:
> So in short (if I may): in XML the typing is built-in; the relationships are
> implied. In RDF, the typing might or might be present, and the relationships
> are (generally) explicit.

Here's a different point of view: XML Schema seems to suggest that XML 
element names are property names, not type names. The same element name 
can be used with different types in different places, and you can even 
do the following, assuming the "publication" element has been defined to 
be of type Publication (which has several subclasses):

   <publication xsi:type="Article">
   <publication xsi:type="Book">

In practice, I suspect element names are chosen to represent either 
types or properties, whatever seems most fitting to the author in each 
individual case...

Received on Friday, 17 September 2004 08:13:23 UTC