Re: Interpreting RDF as representation of a resource?

Mark Baker wrote:

> One of us misunderstood Jan, it seems. 8-/

my question was actually more targetted at RDF as opposed to the 
HTTP request issues. 

Given an XML document, I know (assuming it references some kind of schema)
what the type of the entity is that it represents (e.g. purchase order)[1]

If designed well, I can interprete the same document as RDF (gaining all
the wonderfull merging and partial understanding  possibilities). OTH,
given the RDF I completely loose the typing information which I'd like
to use for further dispatching (e.g. selecting the appropriate stylesheet
for rendition).

Any thoughts on how to obtain the typing information from the RDF?


[1] I'd really like to expand this whole issue towards Duck Typing
( ),
but simple things first :o)

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2004 19:57:44 UTC