Re: Interpreting RDF as representation of a resource?

Danny Ayers wrote:

> > Is there any way for the processing resource to interprete the received
> > RDF as a representation of a resource of a certain *type*?
> > (E.g. to store the data in the right table if the store is an HTTP wrapped
> > RDBMS or further dispatching based on the type)
> Heh, what kind of type?...

Sorry, I meant rdf:type

Whatever, I imagine the typing info could go
> in one of three places - an additional HTTP header,

Yes, I thought about that, too. Wonder if the Resource-type header is also
meant for request headers:

 inside the RDF, in
> a wrapper around the RDF (like SOAP). Which was best would depend on
> the application, I'd guess.
> It's an interesting idea in general. If you had rdf:about="" in the
> POSTed (or PUT) document, then presumably it would be about the
> resource identified in the call. 

In a sense - yes. But then...what if you receive ntriples? I thought about restricting
the RDF to contain only a single rdf:type statement and then use that information.


Yes, I'm sure that has interesting
> implications...

> Cheers,
> Danny.
> --

Jan Algermissen
Consultant & Programmer

Received on Sunday, 21 November 2004 11:44:16 UTC