Re: Annotating photos with events/subevents

Hi Greg.

Gregory Williams:
> You might take a look at the work described in 
> for an existing way to 
> annotate photos as being part of an event using dc:coverage and 
> cyc:Event. I imagine you could then pull the hierarchy of events 
> together with something like cyc:subEvents.

Yup I've had a look at that page, and it has helped me in some of my
modelling choices.  I didn't decide to use dc:coverage and a cyc:Event
for exactly my idea of events, however, because it seems to be leaning
towards the type of event like a conference, with a defined homepage so
it can be identified.

I will have some photos which will have

  dc:coverage [ a cyc:Event ; foaf:homepage <> ]

(photos that cover the conference) but also have those (with some
overlap) with

  photo:event <>

which identify photos from my "attending SVG Open" event/category.

Also I probably wouldn't be able to model the subevent thing if I used
the same dc:coverage/cyc:Event method.


Cameron McCormack
|  Web:
|  ICQ: 26955922

Received on Thursday, 4 November 2004 08:21:13 UTC