- From: Michael Brian Orr <mike@michael-brian-orr.net>
- Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 12:44:15 -0700
- To: "'Graham Klyne'" <GK@ninebynine.org>, "'Richard Lennox'" <listserve@richardlennox.net>
- Cc: www-rdf-interest@w3.org
> From: www-rdf-interest-request@w3.org > [mailto:www-rdf-interest-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Graham Klyne ----( SNIP )------------ > (3) The Harmony project introduced an idea called ABC [3], a variant of > which has been picked up by some Dublin Core work [4], which allows one to > create a refined version of a property by creating a composed relationship > that indirects via an intervening node. This doesn't directly address the > question you ask, but your mention of "there are/could be more refinements > of the property dc:relation" hints that this might be what you are really > trying to do. ----( SNIP )------------ > [3] http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/discovery/harmony/docs/abc/abc_draft.html > (cf. section 3.4) > http://metadata.net/harmony/JODI_Final.pdf (I think this is relevant) > > [4] Expressing Qualified Dublin Core in RDF / XML: > http://dublincore.org/documents/dcq-rdf-xml/ I've used the "composed relationship that indirects via an intervening node" approach with excellent results in building a specialized class library over an RDF library (C# and Drive in my case; I'm sure similar results would obtain with Java). The result is a very lightweight reification-like construct for instances of relationships, where each instance gets an rdf:ID, and the encapsulating library class shares interfaces with the library classes for both nodes (eg set/get properties) and edges (eg subject/object node). This approach might be much less appealing if one were approaching the graph from a tools environment rather than code, but for the class library situation, it seems to be a great answer. Regards, Mike
Received on Thursday, 20 May 2004 15:44:16 UTC