Re: Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language change

On Wed, 12 May 2004 10:46:58 +0100, Graham Klyne <> wrote:

> Dave,
> Does this change preclude use of stand-alone '-' as an "operator" property, 
> or do you depend on other means to make this distinction.

You can never use a standalone '-' in Turtle since a name must start
with an alphabetic character, following XML names practice[1].  '-'
is only allowed in positions 2 onwards[2].  So this cannot be confused
with '-'.

If you have foo-bar and wanted the operator interpretation then, you
could add whitespace around it which is what cwm already requires, as
I understand.

> FWIW, my Notation3 parsers exclude '-' from qnames, effectively
> forcing the use of full URIs for cases where they contain '-' in
> the local part.  Thus, it would make some things easier for me if
> there were a consensus to allow '-' in Qnames, though I'd prefer
> not to completely exclude other uses for '-'.

I think the usability of foo:bar-baz wins over using '-' for
subtraction or some sort of path expression (say) when you could use
instead foo:bar - baz with no ambiguity.
> (FWIW, Haskell faces a similar issue with '.' -- I can provide more
> details if you wish.)



Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 07:07:44 UTC