Re: Device independence and RDF query

At 11:57 11/05/04 +0100, Damian Steer wrote:
>| Simple RDF query processing is not hard to do, so this might prove to be
>| a simple and flexible approach to providing a standard way to mesh
>| content adaptation with client capability descriptions.  Inference is a
>| little harder, but can be reasonably easily to express in a functional
>| language (which XSLT is) given the right query primitives, so this
>| doesn't look like a vast leap beyond currently exists;  I think most of
>| the details designs already exist.
>Treehugger just operates over the jena inferred graph (which has its own
>issues). Personally I wouldn't fancy doing eg subclass/property closure
>in XSLT (XQuery perhaps) but it's certainly possible, if messy.

Ah, yes, recursive query processing (closure) might be more challenging 
using XSLT.  (I'm not convinced of this yet, but I haven't thought enough 
about the details.)  But I think the CC/PP default processing could 
possibly be handled by a simpler form of rule application.

I would expect to keep the XPath design details for accessing RDF graph 
data separate from the rule application logic.  But there are many things I 
haven't thought through, so this is still at the level of "thinking aloud".


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2004 12:40:47 UTC