Multiple queries is a single request

Hi Andy,

Have you considered allowing multiple queries in a single
request for joseki?

For example, in order to render a veudas resource view (like a fetch,
but with rdfs:labels used to render the statements), veudas does the

1) a query to retrieve the resource information
    'select ?p, ?o where (foo:bah, ?p, ?o)'
2) a query to retrieve the labels for the properties
    'select ?p, ?o ?l where (foo:bah, ?p, ?o) (?p rdfs:label ?l)'
3) a query to retrieve the labels for the objects
    'select ?p, ?o ?l where (foo:bah, ?p, ?o) (?o rdfs:label ?l)'

These queries don't depend on each other and so could be done in a
single request.

With multiple source stores, the number of requests grows rapidly as
veudas attempts to iterate around terms it doesnt have labels for,
firing off a query request for each one. I suspect that multiple
queries in a single dispatch would improve performance massively. It
would also mitigate some of the performance lost to not having
optional query parameters in RDQL.

Could this be as simple as allowing multiple query parameters to the
GET request and merging the resulting graphs?

Many thanks,


Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2004 10:45:02 UTC