Re: Modeling WordNet with OWL Full?

Hi David,

In a message dated 2/7/2004 9:51:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, David Menendez <> writes:
>Based on what you tried in Method #1, is it possible you wanted
>something like:
>If you want to say that <#cell> has a <#part> relationship with
><#cell_wall> and <#cytoplasm>, then what you want is:
>    <owl:Class rdf:ID='cell'>
>      <part rdf:resource='#cell_wall'/>
>      <part rdf:resource='#cytoplasm'/>
>    </owl:Class>

That is exactly what I wanted to do and tried to do by
declaring the Object Properties with the domain of #cell; 
however, it failed loading in protege with the error message
that "part" was a duplicate.  Of course, this could just be
a bug in protege, or, my syntax could have been wrong.

Do you have a particular OWL validator that you run
your syntax against?


 - Mike
Michael C. Daconta
Chief Scientist, APG
McDonald Bradley, Inc.

Received on Sunday, 8 February 2004 20:20:54 UTC