Re: query!

Hello Chaitanya,

> Now my question is , 
>     i will use the same namespace (ie).,
> but i will define my own properties for a person.I can
> do it right!
You can squat the namespace, however since one expects a definition of 
the terms at you cannot control the meaning 
of the terms.
> And ur search engine will search my file by some
> crawling mechamism and searches for a specific
> property
> of a person which wouldnt be avaliable as it is
> defined by me.
You can add any property to a foaf:Person, I'd suggest you to define 
these properties on a web-page you control. With this you can make the 
schema available to the search engine, you could e.g. define a property 
foaf-ex:mobilePhone to be a subProperty of foaf:phone this would allow a 
search engine to partially understand the meaning event if it didn't 
know about foaf-ex before.

 > So, what is the purpose of writing searching
 > applications if i cannt restrict the namespaces to be
 > used.Is there any body governing that?
> If not no one sticks to a spec as they define their
> terms according to their applications and so their
> needs will be satisfied but not a solution for global
> applications.
It is in most cases it is in the interest of application developers to 
use terms that are widely understood.

It's a bit similar to natural language, you've choosen to write your 
mail in english evenn if their is governing body enforcing you too.


Received on Tuesday, 31 August 2004 12:49:00 UTC