RE: A Comparison of RDF Query Languages

On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 21:56, Stephane Fellah wrote:
> Hi,

/me trims massive crossposting

> This is an interesting query language. Does it exist an implementation in Java (based on Jena for example) ?

I think most (all?) of the paths should work in TreeHugger, which is
implemented in java - most of the heavy lifting is done by jena and
saxon (path expressions, XSLT, XQuery). It's the same idea as RxPath but
mine was more of a thought experiment, i.e. it may be broken, do not
rely on it for medical use etc ;-) Adam's stuff is more robust, I
suspect. But TreeHugger is BSD-style licenced, and I don't think it's
too hard to understand if you want to play around.

> Best regards
> Stephane Fellah

Hope that helps,


PS I'm not sure if I've added in the descendant-or-self stuff - I'll
check later.

Received on Thursday, 29 April 2004 04:10:54 UTC