Re: rdf stores for use with cheap hosting accounts

Hi Phil,

you can use RAP - RDF API for PHP:
RAP is a up-to-data, pure PHP API and supports a wide range of  databases as
rdf stores.

Its features include:

- statement centric methods for manipulating an RDF model as a set of RDF
- integrated RDF/XML, N3 and N-TRIPLE parser
- integrated RDF/XML, N3 and N-TRIPLE serializer
- in-memory or database model storage
- support for the RDQL query language
- support for rdf:datatype, xml:lang, rdf:XMLLiteral and
rdf:parseType="Collection" directives
- support for common vocabularies
- full support for the RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised) - W3C Working
Draft 10 October 2003.

RAP uses ADOdb as database abstraction layer and supports the following
So just drop the scripts somewhere on the hosting server and configure ADOdb
for connecting to your prefered database.


Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2004 04:17:58 UTC