- From: Phil Dawes <pdawes@users.sf.net>
- Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 12:48:02 +0100
- To: www-rdf-interest@w3.org
Hi All, I like Patrick Stickler's assertion that in order to participate in the 'semantic web', http URIs should be dereferencable to some information about the URI. I am considering how an infrastructure could be built where this could be exploited for distributed queries. The main problem with Patrick's concise-bounded-description idea from this respect is how to find references to a term. For example: (p:PhilDawes, foaf:knows, ?person) ..is easy to resolve - just dereference p:PhilDawes and you probably have the information you need. (I'm using dereference to mean 'look up a description'). However (?person, foaf:knows, p:PhilDawes) .is much more tricky, since these assertions are likely to be made by users external to the domain owner of p:PhilDawes. Here's a straw-man solution: - In addition to its bounded description, dereferencing p:PhilDawes also provides all the references it knows about. - When people author statements refering to p:PhilDawes, they POST their triples to the description of p:PhilDawes. (Or maybe a third party does). - The representation of p:PhilDawes polls the reference URIs it knows about periodically to keep its data up to date. (facilitating the removal of triples as well as addition) This would work, but the immediate problem for this solution is scalability. In particular, domain owners of terms for common concepts will require massive amounts of storage and bandwidth to maintain their lists of references. I was considering a couple of solutions: - delegation of reference maintainers. The owner of the term delegates its references to a third party, more able to manage the storage and publication. The description it returns on dereference contains rdfs:seeAlso terms pointing to the reference maintainer. - usage of owl to split the domains For example, terms like q:DoctorInMoseley could be used to aggregate a:Doctor and b:Moseley to split the load. The a:Doctor description would then include a reference to the q:DoctorInMoseley rdfs:subClassOf a:Doctor term. and b:Moseley could contain q:DoctorInMoseley rdfs:subClassOf [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty z:servesArea; owl:hasValue b:Moseley]. statements. I am keen to hear any ideas that others may have on the subject since in addition to helping bootstrap the semantic web, this is a facility that would be very beneficial in my work intranet environment. Cheers, Phil
Received on Monday, 19 April 2004 08:49:46 UTC