Re: What if two resources are the same subject?


thanks. Comments below.

Jon Hanna wrote:
> Quoting Jan Algermissen <>:
> > My first question is what happens when RDF statements from both camps are
> > combined
> > and people start noticing that there are two resources being the same thing
> > (Canada).
> Well there is only one resource, but multiple URIs, 

Ah, that I did not know. So resources may 'span across authorities', yes?
A single resource can live on different hosts controlled by different
authorities, yes?

(I expect the REST camp to scream but if they agree, too, so much the better) 


> You can use either. If your tools know that
> <> <owl:sameIndividualAs>
> <> . Then they can do the necessary
> leg work for you.

Ok, fine. Thanks.

> Of course sometimes there can be subtle differences (e.g. "Ireland" the island
> vs. "Ireland" the country) and sometimes those differences can be contentious
> (e.g. Ireland again).

Ok, agreed (I meant the exact same subject 'Canada').
> You do need to "know" that they two URIs identify the same resource. Sometimes
> this will be published somewhere (ideally either or both URIs when dereferenced
> would reveal this fact). It might not be that easy to determine though, it
> might even be secret (Superman owl:sameIndividualAs Clark Kent, but he doesn't
> want anyone to know :)

Yes. My concern only was if such knowledge could be accumulated inside the SW
to increase its overall knowledge.


> --
> Jon Hanna
> <>
> "?it has been truly said that hackers have even more words for
> equipment failures than Yiddish has for obnoxious people." - jargon.txt

Jan Algermissen                 
Consultant & Programmer	        

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2004 14:12:32 UTC